Step off of a trail of misery and onto a trail of joy!
The Story of Barton and Megan
The Big Move
In 2022, Barton and Megan Cutter reflected on all of the trials they had traversed in their lives, from the immense grit of forging new paths around inter-ability relationship, carving out careers and independence at all costs, and publishing their memoir, to almost losing their house, lost contracts, the death of multiple friends and disability advocates. And for all the awesomeness they had experienced, they recognized a deep and pervasive undercurrent of suffering. They didn’t want to spend the second half of their lives stuck in the same perpetual cycle.
As an inter-ability couple, they knew they needed to navigate the world differently, seeing a vision of life beyond typical storylines of success. So, they gave up three-fourths of their belongings, packed their accessible van, and drove across the U.S. from North Carolina to land in Colorado.
We find hope, inspiration, and motivation in each other’s stories. We realize we aren’t alone on this daunting life. The hardship and trauma of the last few years has set into motion a life of continued suffering that could span lifetimes.
And, there are antidotes, glimpses of joy, laughter, hope, and love. Through these, we lift each other up along the way. In the surrender to the unexpected experiences of life, there is an opportunity for the expression of joy, even in small moments.